Hi all, welcome to the launch of this website. While i have not had the time or money to get the looks for this website, it will eventually be made to look better and with real images of angels later. For now i first need to make sure the website is active and that everything works. Focusing on content and functionality first would be better.
In order to be able to create tutorials and knowledge, it is easier to answer questions. Please do register and ask in the forums. Questions will be summarised with common answers put into a wiki.
Should you have any problems with using the website, please contact admin@domain (this website domain). A lot of effort has been taken to ensure security but if you fail to get automated emails like account activation or password reset, please do not hesitate to contact via this email or through discord.
I will do my best to provide content from the thoughts of Aphiel, for i receive a lot of wisdom from him such as anonymised experiences to even seeing their biology. Their ways recommend science and they see it directly. My intention is to help those in duress and to provide a safe place to discuss without being judged. However if i criticise your practice it is under the guidance of angels who prefer direct ways which require understanding everything behind what you are doing.